Create a B2B service for a gym chain to improve customer relationship, get and analyse wearables and hardware data across the gyms, as well as manage staff, sports equipment, exercise machines and events.
To build a mobile version for gym clients allowing them to create and view their workout schedule, choose and follow specific workout programs, and connect their wearable devices to get health parameter statistics. To make monetization through in-app purchases.
We dedicated the initial project stage to requirements processing, documentation preparation, as well as developing a dynamic prototype in InVision. This took us two months. Since the desired product functionality was rather extensive, we decided to split the development into two parts.
The goal of the first stage was to implement a stable MVP with core functionality. We were working according to iterative model with 2-week iterations. The web, iOS and Android development teams were working in parallel, thus we got a set of three apps after three months of development.
The result of this step was the app enabling to manage staff allocation, schedules, and workouts of coaches, that synchronise with their clients’ schedules. Clients can view their workout schedule, get access to their gym information as well as view and do basic workouts and purchase pro workout programs.
After a successful launch of the MVP we started working on additional functionality which took us about three months. During this stage we implemented event-management part (admin panel), mobile analytics, as well as ability to gather both gym hardware and clients’ wearables data.
Thanks to new features clients can view their workout statistics, set goals as well as connect their wearable devices to get rich workout analytics experience.
We’ve developed a B2B product for a chain of gyms with a web-based admin panel for managers and mobile app for the chain clients with in-app purchases monetization strategy.
The created product takes advantage of wearables and IoT technologies to improve our customer’s business processes and experience of his clients as well.