14 use cases of web and mobile applications development in healthcare
Healthcare has been an extremely important field for millennia. Optimizing processes is almost as significant as new discoveries and inventions in this industry. As everything goes e- and mobile nowadays so does the healthcare domain.
There are various use cases in mobile and web healthcare applications. In this article, we’ll consider the most significant examples of creating healthcare software.
1. Medical data transfer
Monitoring of vital parameters such as body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc. is crucial for diagnosis and maintaining patients’ quality of life. It is mostly still done using old-fashioned devices and more complex procedures that can be performed only at hospitals.
But surely the day will come when the majority of patients will be able to measure their vital parameters easily and quickly using only their smartphones and maybe wearable devices. Thus this data transfer will become much faster and easier to control.
2. Tracking and planning
M-health apps are useful for managing one’s time and treatment process. A simple calendar healthcare app can help keep track of all doctor’s appointments, vaccination dates, as well as remind one to take medicines and measure parameters.
Or measure all needed parameters automatically. Treatment and health maintenance can be really time-consuming so a handy healthcare mobile app can make this process much simpler.
3. Managing medical records
Keeping paper medical journals is tedious and not environmentally friendly. So, instead of huge piles of paper physicians can turn to custom healthcare software development to create a handy mobile or web application that will be able to keep track of all the patients’ medical files, filter information and reduce possible mistakes due to overwhelming amounts of data.
As an alternative, voice inputs would be very helpful instead of taking notes. While the doctor examines the patient, he can dictate them into the app, without touching the screen and without having anyone nearby taking notes.
4. References for doctors
The same principle can be applied here. Have you ever seen medical and drug reference books? They are gigantic. So, again not environmentally friendly and these huge amounts of information can be really confusing.
And what about the doctors who have to be on-the-go in their work or who work in hard-to-reach places? Having tens of thousands of pages with reference information on a small device isn’t a problem anymore. So asking for help from healthcare software companies can be a very efficient solution here.
5. Education and training
Healthcare software solutions also include augmented reality technology. You can train your doctors and nurses using special educational mobile and web apps. They can learn to use new equipment not by printed manuals, but by apps with AR technology, that show comments on various parts of the apparatus.
6. Diagnosing
Some parts of the diagnosing procedure don’t require really complex equipment but still, special tools are needed. For instance, vision and hearing tests. Any custom healthcare software development company like Smartym Pro will state that smartphones and tablets are much more handy for doctors than tables, diagrams, and instruments. They are portable and can be used by doctors who have to be on-the-go.
7. Online doctor’s appointment
Sometimes one needs to see a doctor, but the problem is not very serious and urgent so that one has to go to the hospital. Moreover, the hospital can be far-off. So it would be much more convenient for the patient as well as for the doctor to make a quick appointment via webcam.
Or to use a healthcare mobile or web app for this purpose, in many cases, it will be more convenient than using a PC. Furthermore, when one needs small and quick advice from the doctor, it’s probably better to use messaging instead of calling or scheduling an appointment.
8. e-Consilium
Often one doctor can’t carry out the right decision on his/her own. That’s what a Concilium is for where several doctors even from different fields of experts discuss the problem together to make the right choice.
The needed doctors may not be present all at one hospital so it will be really convenient to schedule a meeting online assembling professional even from different parts of the world.
9. Checking-in at the hospital
Suppose one has to check in at a hospital. It’s good to reduce the waiting time as well as be able to regulate all issues before arriving at the hospital, especially when one lives far from it.
Using such planner apps reduces stress and prevents missing details. And if you install beacons in your hospital, you can make a navigation inside much easier.
10. Education for patients
By using educational healthcare mobile applications doctors can explain all necessary information to the patient conveniently. Make the app interactive, include the AR technology and it will help doctors describe organs and problems in a much more comprehensive way so that patients can really understand what is going on inside their bodies.
11. Decision making
When there are many symptoms and much data on the patient’s issue, it can be challenging to analyze all this information correctly without overseeing anything.
This problem can easily be solved with an intelligent healthcare app that analyses reference data, recent scientific research, protocols, and records and suggests all possible options so that a doctor doesn’t get lost in all this huge amount of data and can make the right diagnosis.
Mobile and web applications development for decision-making process automation is one of the most effective solutions in this field.
12. Symptom diaries
People suffering from chronic diseases should keep a diary of symptoms, possibly with information on treatment. Making such a diary on mobile helps one get access to the notes wherever one is and sharing these data.
13. ERP and CRM systems
Whether you run a big hospital or a small doctor’s practice, you surely want to reduce management stress and costs which can be achieved via business process automation in healthcare. Many enterprises have their own enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management systems to increase productivity. So why not use the same approach to healthcare?
14. Fitness
Being healthy nowadays doesn’t only mean being free of disease. It also means living a balanced life, caring about one’s body: practicing sports and keeping healthy nutrition.
Being very popular products on the market, fitness and diet trackers help easily achieve these goals.
Mobile applications in the healthcare industry, as well as web applications, are a great solution for organizations. They can help boost the effectiveness of work and improve patients’ quality of life.
Our team at Smartym Pro has experience in applying various web and mobile applications development solutions for various fields and industries.