crm solutions

8 Types of Companies that stand to gain from CRM integration

Nowadays enterprises all over the world, whether it is a middle-sized company or large corporation, have to deal with various operational challenges. Facing the conditions of high competition, companies today do need to constantly maintain the reputation and take care of business growth.

For the past decade business environment has faced a shift to the customer, meaning that the quality of customer relations directly affects company success and income. Focus on the customer isn’t a trend already, it’s a must-have. Only imagine that your email or request will be ignored or answered even later than quickly. You would hardly feel positive emotions and apply to this company next time.

Let’s take a case that you connect with another company: you had several negotiations and then some information missed when you need it. Or you have to spend a lot of time to find some document or some piece of data. The impression will be the same. And also time is money.

These were the simplest examples, but they represent that even a small mistake in relations leads to bad impact on reputation. The integration of CRM software solutions can serve many purposes and solve a variety of challenges. Companies of different industries implement CRM systems to automate workflow, optimize various business processes, and improve relationships with customers, partners, and clients.


Companies that can benefit from the integration of CRM solutions:


1. Companies providing business services

Consulting firms, recruitment agencies, law offices, and external counsels often contact with a certain client for a long time. To provide him or her with high-quality services the company must save all information about the client or project in one place. This information can include the history of calls, emails, requests, meetings, contacts, upcoming meeting and plans, and other useful data.

A secure and shared access to databases enables employees to check out and find required information anytime. Sometimes several specialists have to deal with one client or work on one project. In this case, CRM software coordinates and synchronizes all their activities, ensuring strong team cohesion and high productivity.
2. Large trading companies & Equipment suppliers

Companies engaging in the sale of cars, real estate, and other “big” goods and services, need to integrate a reliable CRM to automate business operations and improve customer service. Such companies are different by their specificity: deals are closed not so often, and each one is large and brings a lot of money. That’s why enterprises have to pay special attention to each client, build and maintain a good reputation, and increase customer loyalty.

CRM software can enable to save and store useful information about new, current, and potential customers, deals, meetings, keep a history of all customer interactions, and analyze and segment clients’ bases. Also, CRM system allows to make sales and operational planning, conduct competitor analysis, and provide managers with tools for effective cooperation between departments.

For equipment suppliers CRM application development solutions offer various tools of automation. There is a wide range of operations going in addition to deal closures: equipment delivery, installation, administration of guarantees, post-warranty maintenance, etc. CRM solutions help accelerate and synchronize them, plan sales, and schedule different activities.
3. Small and middle-sized trading companies

Being distinguished by a large number of goods, services, and clients, these companies also have a plenty of competitors. Here marketing becomes of the highest importance.

By the integration of CRM software solutions companies can easier develop an effective marketing strategy, make lead scoring and generation, conduct competitor analysis, and market research.

However, it’s not the end of CRM opportunities. A complex CRM system can allow to prepare and launch advertising and email marketing campaigns by using client databases and pre-built content layouts, as well as analyze their efficiency after.
4. Banks, insurance, and other financial companies

Here CRM solutions play an important role and solve many tasks, significantly improving and optimizing internal business processes. First of all, employees can make the standardization of client service operation. Second, companies achieve the goal of maintaining documentation and storing information about customers, operations, and transactions in one secure place.

Third, CRM is successfully used for workforce management, which has special significance in avoiding situations of client solicitation (it’s also topical for law offices and external counsels). Then, CRM enables to automate such business processes as request processing, client data systematization, and decision-making.

A CRM solution is an efficient tool helping specialists in their work. For example, we developed a CRM mobile application for car insurance agents to simplify their work and improve the process of the estimation of car accident damage.

5. Travel agencies

CRM software solutions allow tour operators to build quality databases, store information about customers who have ever contacted the company, as well as about new and current clients, their trips, preferences, requests.

Thanks to instant access to up-to-date client data employees quickly select the best tour offer taking into account all his or her desires and needs (budget, destinations, time for the trip, kind of rest, hotels, etc.).

So, CRM systems provide the ability to keep and structure documentation, improve document management within the company, and increase customer loyalty and retention.
6. Medical centres

CRM software solutions allow to store, collect, and process information about patients, including information about contacts, treatment, facts from clinical records, recipes, and so on. The history of interaction is very important: doctors can instantly find required piece of data anytime and quickly help a patient. Also, CRM system provides the ability to manage reports, documents, and employees.
7. Communications providers & Delivery companies

Communications providers and delivery companies can also greatly benefit from the integration of CRM. Facing large amounts of customers, request and order flows, they especially need to streamline workflow and have information in a single place.

With CRM solutions a company creates a structured quality database, that allows employees to track and process all requests as well as quickly respond to orders. Managers can schedule the completion of orders’ delivery, check out order statuses anytime, look through customer’s preferences, access information about each client.

This helps companies to automate business operations, improve customer service, and increase profit thanks to fast and effective processing of large amounts of requests and orders.
8. Companies that have field-workers

CRM application development solutions allow to manage activities of such field-workers as residential agents, insurance agents, merchandisers. The integration of CRM mobile app helps companies to simplify their work and increase productivity by using a system of reporting and employee activities’ tracking system as well.

Hope the article has been useful to you. If you want to learn about our expertise in CRM application development, feel free to ask for more information. If you have a project idea, we are also here to provide you with meaningful recommendations.

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Smartym Marketing Team