custom mobile app dev

Top 8 useful features each enterprise mobile app needs to have

In today’s mobile world a mobile app is a great tool that helps business gain success and profit. There are multiple benefits your company can receive from custom mobile app development: connection with your customers, automation of different operations, increasing of brand/customer loyalty, opening a new sales channel, and a lot more.

Large corporations generally have more than 10 apps aimed at accomplishment of various goals. For example, the first for providing clients with a catalog of company goods or services and allowing to make purchases online, the second for tracking and managing inventory, the third for sending customers push notifications and collecting analytics about user activities within the app, and so on.

To build a successful enterprise application that will enable your business to get a competitive advantage and improve company performance you need to clearly determine project tasks and goals.

Once you have this understanding you should identify the most important functions that will allow meeting them (or apply to a mobile app development company, technical specialists will always help you in such issues and provide smart recommendations).

In very deed, a mobile application can involve either two features, or ten. Here you should keep balance as users may not like a product with large functionality, while the lack of it can result in little interest. One should note that a plenty of complex functions may lead to constant app crashes and a complicated and long process of QA and stabilization.

That’s why it’s very important to implement several key features that will meet objectives the app is created for. In this post, we’ve gathered 8 features that you can implement in your mobile app to solve business operational challenges.

The article will be useful for you if your company refers to one of the following industries:

  • Retail – shopping malls, shopping centers, specialty stores, boutiques сlothing stores, electronics, home improvement stores, flower shops.
  • Food sector – restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, coffee shops, grocery stores, bars.
  • Travel – travel agencies, car rental agencies, hotels, airlines.
  • Service sector – cleaners, digital agencies, laundromats, shoe-repair shops.
  • Health & Beauty – hair and nail salons, day spa, fitness clubs, sports agencies, gyms, dancing clubs, pharmacies, private healthcare facilities.
  • Insurance – insurance companies.
  • Entertainment – cinemas and theatres, gaming centers, nightclubs, amusement parks, venues.


Useful features for enterprise mobile app development:


1. Contact information

The first thing you should include in your application is contact information of your company. Put it in a separate tab so that a user can easily find everything in one place.

Make a button for a direct call to your company to provide users with the ability to call you without having to leave the app.

2. GPS-navigation

Include GPS-navigation as an effective addition to the previous feature. Provide your customers with the ability to easily find your company. When a user looks through your company profile or contact information, and interested in your products/services, he or she may want to come.

With a feature of GPS-navigation, the app will build the most convenient routes for you based on user location.

3. Booking system

The function of the reservation will be useful for those companies providing services that can be booked, for example, a table in a cafe or restaurant, hotel room, tickets.

Implement a form for users to fill out and send to make an appointment with a medical center, hair and nail salon, or fitness club.

Provide app users with the ability to leave comments and send requests, that will help you to gather customer feedback and understand their needs as well as things to improve. If you have an application for booking travel services, includes a function of calculating tours.

4. Newsfeed

Implement a news feed during custom mobile app development and post there company news, images, advertisements, information about discounts and special offers, and just interesting and useful information for customers.

For example, an insurance company can tell about how to protect yourself and others from possible losses. Cafes and restaurants can post good recipes.

Travel agencies can tell mobile app users about interesting routes, places, destinations, or post information about the right way to send a request for passport or visa.

5. Push notifications

Push notifications are one of the most useful and even required features in enterprise application development. Thanks to them you can motivate customers to make purchases, improve both brand and customer loyalty, notify users about shares, discounts, and special offers.

Integrate beacons, small Bluetooth-enabled devices, that can be attached to any kind of surface, track app users when they are near your company, and automatically send them push messages. Thus you work only with target customers and increase your profit.

6. Integration with social media

In today’s world of social networks integration with social media is just a must-have in custom mobile app development projects (in most cases). Now everyone has at least social media account, so provide your users with the ability to share pictures, photos, news. Also, ensure constant presence of your company in social media.

7. Loyalty card

Implement a loyalty card in your mobile application. Maybe, as a part of your loyalty program. It will enable customers to receive and collect points for purchases and then change them for perks: other purchases for a certain sum of money, prizes, certificates, and more.

People enjoy such things as getting a taste-free pizza after ordering two pizzas or a certificate for visiting the spa, after buying some service.

Thus, a feature of a loyalty card will allow you to retain customers, improve customer loyalty, encourage them to make repeated purchases, and increase revenue.

8. Menu

This useful function is a necessity for shops, cafes, restaurants, beauty salons, insurance companies, and all organizations that have lists of goods and services.

Place your catalogs in your app so that customers can get acquainted with them and prices as well. Also, make a feature of working offline.

If you have an application idea, know your goals, but have difficulties with a technical part (idea validation, competitor analysis, determination of the main features), apply to a reliable custom mobile app development company that will provide you with meaningful recommendations to the project.

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Smartym Marketing Team