ICO launch / Blockchain Construction Monitoring Tool
Project overview
4 months, 2500+ hours
Agile (Scrum)
- Bitcoin: BIP32 Deterministic Wallet
- Ethereum: Solidity, Truffle, OpenZeppelin, Parity
- Backend: Java 8, JOOQ, HikariCP, Spring boot, BitcoinJ, web3j, RabbitMQ
- Infrastructure: AWS Auto Scaling group, AWS Classic Load Balancer, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon Aurora, Amazon ECS
- Custom blockchain: Hyperledger Fabric, Smart Contracts based on golang
- Android: Java, Volley, Gson, Paho MQTT, FCM, Instabug, TestFairy
- iOS: Swift 3, CoreData, Alamofire, Auto Layout
Project Team
- 1 backend developer
- 2 solidity developers
- business analyst/project manager
- 1 designer
- 1 QA engineer
- Android developer
- iOS developer

Real estate development company wanted to launch an ICO campaign to pitch their new project. A solution that will help to overcome main industry challenges: construction progress monitoring, construction process facilitation, proper resources allocation.
We were asked to handle technical part of the system development and ensure smooth user experience during ICO.
Business tasks
- Define blockchain purpose in the system
- Pick the technology stack and develop token economy
- Prepare platform description
- Prepare specification for smart contracts terms description.
Technical tasks
- ICO smart contracts development (Token, Multisig Wallet, Token Vault, Pricing Strategy, Crowdsale Backend Proxy)
- Bitcoin Payment Gateway. Create and process bitcoin orders via REST API
- Ethereum Oracle. Checking the status of bitcoin payment and sending ERC20 tokens to users equivalent to their Bitcoin inputs.
- Smart contracts demo in the Ethereum test net using Parity node.
- Delivery management. Landing updates deployment.
- ICO technical support and maintenance
We’ve developed a comprehensive blockchain-based solution for speeding up construction audit process by automating milestone planning. The system had to resolve common issues that are faced by both developers and constructors: mutual trust, compliance with the contract's terms and conditions, fast critical situation handling, financial transaction issues. - Smart contracts integration - Custom RFID tags id generation - Blockchain-based financial transaction processing - Real-time construction process monitoring
Define platform functionality
As the project has rich functionality that could be divided into 3 subprojects, it was challenging to unify each stakeholder opinion into an MVP specification. But it gave both marketing and technical teams deeper understanding of the whole idea.
Working cryptocurrencies frameworks
During ICO stage, we needed to implement a function that will send crypto-currency (BTC, BCH, LTC) paid tokens into Ethereum based smart contracts. We’ve developed an API integration with personal accounts that handle all transactions.
The app involves the following features
Separate user roles
- Different user roles have different access rights
- Different terms for making entities in the blockchain nodes
Smart contract constructor
- Smart contract constructor
- Base of typical construction contract terms
- Setting up penalties for non-observance of the terms
- Adding specific terms to the smart contract
Fundraising marketplace
- Pitch deck templates
- Crowdfunding
- Smart-contract based guarantee for investors
Construction monitoring
- RFID-tags
- Smart contracts
- Real-time constructor progress monitoring
Secure reports
- Reports are saved to a project
- blockchain node
- Tracking progress in the blockchain
Results of the work done
We’ve delivered an MVP product that includes:
- Fundraising marketplace
- Smart contract hub for construction monitoring
- API integration of the platform and 3d party management tools
Also, our team ensured smooth user experience during ICO. At the ICO stage, we were responsible for servers maintenance, QA of 3rd party code, and deployment to the production instance. Now we continue working on the platform, creating a building management solution that would link together IoT, BI analytics, and blockchain.