Custom Keyboard— sticky notes & emoticons
Android and iOS custom keyboard for sale sticky notes and emotions in person’s stylistics

2 months, 600 hours
iOS: Swift Android: Java Frontend: AngularJS Backend: Java Database: Postgres Infrastructure: AWS
Project team
- 2 iOS developers,
- 2 Android developers,
- 1 backend developer,
- 1 frontend developer,
- 1 QA
We had the following key tasks:
- Develop iOS and Android native applications.
- Implement the ability to manage prices and purchasing items through admin panel.
- Provide imessage support on iOS 10
The customer was a digital agency which developed an application for a celebrity. The idea was to create a custom keyboard for sale sticky notes and emotions in this person stylistics. One of the main tasks was to implement the ability to manage prices and available sticky notes through admin panel. We made backend on REST and used AngularJS for admin panel. The client wanted to quickly (guaranteedly) receive a quality solution according to the requirements and, as we had already had experience in working with custom keyboards, we took this project with confidence. Also the client’s requirement was to write iOS application on Swift 2.2 which was rather new at that moment. The fact that we had been working with it, became one of the reasons of why the customer chose us.
We developed the application for the two most popular platforms iOS and Android for 2 months. During the project we implemented additional features as well as analytical tools that allowed to measure user behaviour and promote the app more successfully. For now the application takes the 7th position on the App Store in the USA.
Speaking about product management there were several changes in the requirements, but as a result we managed to complete all tasks for 2 months according to customer’s plans.